Ashutosh Prjapati

How To Edit About me on Blogger In 2021

How To Edit About me on Blogger

About me, the page is a very essential page to create on a website if you are trying to get an Adsense account. The About me or About us page will also help your users to let them know everything about you.  So, it’s very important to create or edit an about me page on blogger. But the question arises of how to do that and what to add to our about me page.

For that, you should not worry because today we are going to share with you the steps which you can follow to edit about me page on blogger.

Steps To Edit About Me Page On Blogger

Step 1: Include the basics about you and let your user know who you are.

Step 2: Think and write creatively about yourself,

Step 3: Try telling them your blogging journey as well as think like you are talking with them.

Step 4: Be careful don’t be too over smart and add something you are not familiar with. Just add what you know and what you have done.

That’s it just publish it and let your users see it and know about you.

Read More :- How To Add a Blogger Blog On Facebook


In this article, I have explained to you how you can create or edit an about me page on blogger. I hope that you will be writing a good and creative about me page which will blow your user’s mind.


1.  What type of pages should we create before applying for ad sense?

Some of the pages that are essential before applying for ad sense are:
∙       About me page
∙       Privacy policy page
∙       Contact Us page
∙       Terms and conditions page

2. Can we use an about us page generator instead of typing it manually?

Yes, you can do it but according to me manually typing would give a better value than using a generator.

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