Ashutosh Prjapati

How to Delete Subscribers From YouTube?

Delete Youtube Subscriber

Nobody wants to delete their increasing subscribers on the YouTube channel. Subscribers help you to get more views likes and also help you to grow on YouTube. But, if you have hater subscribers then I am sure you get disappointed seeing those comments on your videos. Most of the content creator doesn’t know how to delete subscribers from YouTube.

If you are one of those content creators that want to delete specific subscribers from the YouTube channel. You can’t delete subscribers in large numbers but you can delete specific people out of the channel. It is necessary to get familiar with YouTube features especially if you are a content creator.

Deleting features was there in YouTube since the starting of YouTube. But, there are some creators who are still unaware of this feature. But, don’t worry after reading this article you easily delete subscribers from your channel.

How to delete subscribers from YouTube channels?

You can easily delete subscribers from the channel all you need to do is find the particular user for whom you want to delete from your channel. Then you can easily delete them from your channel. Follow the below steps to delete subscribers from the YouTube channel.

  • Step 1: First go to YouTube and log in to your account on which you have your YouTube channel.
  • Step 2: Then, go to the subscriber’s option there you will see a list of all the users who have subscribed to your channel up to now.
  • Step 3: Now, search the subscribers whom you want to delete from the channel.
  • Step 4: After finding users from the list there you will see three dots beside the name of users.
  • Step 5: Click on that three dots and you will see an option to remove the subscription from the channel. Click on that button after doing so the user will delete from the channel.

This is how you can remove users from subscribers from your YouTube channel. He can still watch and comment on your videos but he won’t get any notification regarding your new videos.

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How to block users from YouTube?

The second option to getting rid of scammers or haters is by blocking them on YouTube. If you are getting bad comments from users or scammers then you can block them. When you block them they can’t comment and send messages on your channel or account. So, let’s look at how you can block users on YouTube.

  • Step 1: First of go into your YouTube channel.
  • Step 2: After this go to the video in which you are receiving bad comments. You can also see these comments directly from the channel.
  • Step 3: Now click on the user photo and there you will see an option to block users from commenting and sending messages.

This is how you can block users from commenting and sending messages into your YouTube channel. I hope that this method is working properly in your account. If not then try the above step from the beginning.


I hope that after reading this article now you know how to delete subscribers from YouTube. These are the two methods to block or delete users from your YouTube channel. Now, I am sure you are familiar with these features and can easily delete and remove users from the channel.


Why do I need to delete my YouTube Subscribers?

No one will think of deleting their subscribers but someone may do it because of some complications like the subscriber could be a spammer or else it could post vulgar comments on your videos so in that case, it is better to delete a subscriber.

After deleting a subscriber would he be hidden from my channel?

Not really, if he/she searches for your channel even after being deleted then he would be able to see your videos but yes he won’t be receiving notifications of your videos.

Can a person comment on my YouTube video after being deleted subscriber?

Yes, he/she could still comment on your video after being a deleted subscriber.

Why does YouTube delete my subscribers?

YouTube deletes bot subscribers. The subscribers who are knowing created by someone to increase their subscriber’s count are deleted by YouTube.

What to do after knowing that your subscriber is a spammy one?

If you had known that you have got spammy subscribers then you can delete them or else you could also block them.

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