Ashutosh Prjapati

Top 6 Genuine Ways to Increase Views on YouTube

Increase Youtube Videos

Are you tired of hardworking on YouTube and still your views are not increasing and are you searching for the answer to the question “how to increase views on YouTube” if yes then you are in the right place because in this article I am going to list some of the ways through which you can increase your views on YouTube.

What is the Need for Increasing Views on YouTube?

In this time of technology where social media becomes the need of the majority of people, various new platforms are born to connect people with entertainment. Social media is filled with plenty of benefits because social media helps to identify the current news of the country and many more. This online media consists of various capacities and capabilities which facilitate people according to their choice.

In this context, YouTube becomes the biggest platform where the community of the whole world connects to each other.

In India, there are plenty of YouTubers who are doing great business with the company but many YouTubers are still struggling because of their lack of attention in their context due to reason there’s need to increase views on YouTube.

Ways to Increase Views on YouTube

1.   Make your channel authorized by Google Adsense

The first and the most important thing that you have to do is to authorize your channel from Google Adsense. Let me tell you that google shows the ads on your video when someone plays your video. 55% of that money is paid to you by YouTube. So, if your channel is not authorized from Google ads then the promotion of your video becomes meaningless. Google not only places ads on your videos but also promotes your videos on their own level. They also monetize your channel so that you can earn a great income from YouTube.

2.   Your Title and Description Should be a Good Keyword

Make sure while making the video for your YouTube channel that the title of your video should be descriptive and the keyword should be rich. This will help you to connect with the audience quickly. This method is one of the most effective methods for the promotion of the video. This will boost your video and place a vibrant change on your YouTube channel. A good title is easy to find. Do you just have to think about what people search for? Put these titles on your thumbnail. This is one of the best ways to increase your views on YouTube.

3.   Optimization of the Thumbnail Image and Use of Tags

One of the most important things in every video is its thumbnail and thumbnail image. Let me tell you why? When someone opens its YouTube and searches for some content then the first thing he’ll see is the thumbnail image of the video. If the thumbnail image attracts him then people proceed to the thumbnail. If the thumbnail and its image attract him then he’ll definitely open your video. So, the use of proper thumbnail and thumbnail images will definitely help to boost your YouTube video. The use of tags is also a great way to promote your videos. You can tag your videos to a particular media of various platforms. The use of tags is also a great way to boost your views on YouTube.

4.   Provide Good Quality Content

Every YouTuber properly knows that in YouTube media content is the king. If your content is impressive then you’ll get an unexpected result from your videos. So, how can you create good quality content?

Firstly, think about the perspective of the audience. Think about what the audience demands and what they like. If you have a gaming channel then ask your media what next they want to see. This will help you to maintain your current views and subscribers. This will also help to improve the views on your videos.

5.   Create your Playlists

If you work as a professional then you’ll definitely get the best results. Playlist makes your subscribers work easily. It helps to find videos of related content. Suppose you have a teaching channel and you posted 4-5 videos on maths. Then you can make a playlist of those videos. Now, the viewer gets all the related videos in a single place. This will definitely increase the views on the videos.

6.   Suggest Your Other Videos in a Video.

This method is the most usable and most effective method to boost your YouTube views. Most YouTubers suggest watching their other videos in a single video. This method is the best method to boost your YouTube views. Provide the link of your related videos in a video and recommend those videos to your viewers. Make sure that the link which you provide is related to the current video.

Also Read: How to Create a Winning Local SEO Strategy for Your Business?


So, here are the best ways by which you can increase your YouTube views. These methods are the most effective and reliable ways to increase YouTube views. Make sure that post the videos according to your niches. Don’t try to manipulate your niche. Don’t forget to provide unique content to your subscribers and use this method to increase the views in your videos.


Is there any android app to get YouTube views?

Yes, there are many android apps that could pretend to provide YouTube views but basically, it is better not to use them as they are not so genuine. And try to grow your subscribers organically.

Are Google Ads helpful for growing our channel?

Yes, Google Ads could be beneficial for you to grow your channel. But it requires a huge investment so you need great capital for doing so.

Is YouTube dead in 2021?

No according to me YouTube is a very great platform and it’s achieving great heights day by day so YouTube is not dying at least till the upcoming 10 years.

Is Creating a YouTube channel a good idea?

Yes, it is a good thing to showcase your talents and when you get platforms like YouTube to do so then it is a great idea to create a YouTube channel.

Does sharing our videos on Social Media help to grow our YouTube channel?

Yes, sharing the videos with the right audience helps to grow your channel.

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