Ashutosh Prjapati

What is E-A-T? A Detailed Guide About E-A-T in 2022

What Is EAT In SEO

Unless you are new to this SEO field I won’t believe that you have never heard about E-A-T. Though this concept was discovered in 2014 it has become a very important element of SEO. Many newbies have some questions in their minds about E-A-T like “What is E-A-T?” “What is the importance of Google E-A-T in SEO?” etc. If you are one of those newbie’s then don’t worry as you are in the right place because today we are going to clear all of your doubts about E-A-T in this article. So, just stay till the end to master and know everything you need to know about E-A-T.

What is E-A-T?

Before going through this topic thoroughly we must first know about what is this so-called E-A-T? Is it the one related to food or some like stuff? No, that’s not.

So, basically, the full form of E-A-T is Expertise Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. This term comes from Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines which is a 168 pages document published by Google in 2013 to help webmasters understand what Google looks for in a web page. And John Muller has also discussed E-A-T in June’s core update 2019.

Why was Google E-A-T introduced?

Imagine you have just healed from Fever and now you know the medicines required for a person suffering from fever that doesn’t mean that you can now go to the hospital and start prescribing medicines to people.

So, Google treats the bloggers in the same way. Google wants its reader to get good content from a writer who has experience in its field and also has some authority and trustworthiness among its readers. So, to conquer this problem hence Google introduced E-A-T.

Is E-A-T really important?

E-A-T determines the value of your site. Quality raters keep the Google E-A-T principle in mind while judging how well your site is and what’s their experience in your site. So, you should be always ready and try improving the content in your site and should also optimize it in terms of E-A-T.

Many people would be having a question about do E-A-T affect SEO? My answer would be no, Google hasn’t officially said anything about its importance in SEO. Yes, E-A-T doesn’t have any direct impact on SEO but it does have some indirect impacts which you should look after. Anyway, I will always suggest you optimize your content according to E-A-T because it will surely bring something good.

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How can I Improve my SEO eating?

E-A-T principle is a very important factor to determine so it’s better to optimize our articles or sites determining the concept of E-A-T. So, you should follow the techniques given below to improve your E-A-T score.

  1. Try adding names and biographies of your writer or author.
  2. Invest your money in Personal branding.
  3. Try editing low quality content in your site and give high importance to principles like Expertise, Authorititiveness and Trustworthyness.
  4. Make your site more secure by adding right information and using HTTPS redirections to your pages.


In this article, I have cleared some of the most asked queries about E-A-T and had also talked about its importance. I hope that this article was indeed helpful to you and it cleared all of your doubts. In case if you have any questions on this topic then you can comment on them below, we will surely try to help you.

FAQ’S about E-A-T

Does E-A-T have an impact on SEO?
No, it doesn’t have any indirect impact on SEO but it has some indirect impacts to look after.

Does Google recommend eat?

Yes, Google has published a 168 pages document where it has talked about eating and its importance as well.

How do I get better at eat Google?

There’s no rocket science in eat, it is very easy to understand and the only things you need to keep in mind while optimizing for eat are Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. That’s it your site is now optimized in terms of eat.

What does YMYL mean?

The full form of YMYL is Your Money or Your Life content. In this type of content, the reader could have a great impact on their health, happiness, safety, etc. For example, you are suffering from fever and you had a query in Google about “Medicine for fever” and the content which you read suggests you eat medicines that help to cure Dysentery. So, these types of content are called YMYL content and Google gives high importance to checking these types of content.

What is the E-A-T principle in SEO?

E-A-T  stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trust. Google’s main motive is to provide relevant results to its customers. So, for that reason, Google’s uses the E-A-T principle to identify whether the content is written by an experienced person, whether the website that posts this content has authority and trustworthiness

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